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Non-Music Publications
A Small Selection of My Non-Music Publications
1. ‘The study of chalk grassland in Northern France: an historical review.’ Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2(3), September 1970: 173-207.
2. ’A Mesobrometum referable to the sub-association Mesobrometum Seslerio- Polygaletosum Tüxen described for the Somme valley.’ Vegetatio 23, 1971: 61-70.
3. 'A scent from the past.' The Countryman 83(2), Summer 1978: 125-27.
4. [Editor] Nature and Man in Southeast Asia. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1978. [Republished online by Cambridge University Press, August 2009].
5. Historical Plant Geography. An Introduction. London: Allen and Unwin, 1981. [Republished by Routledge as Hbk October 2019; as Pbk April 2021; as eBook September 2019].
6. ‘The savanna forests of mainland Southeast Asia: an ecological survey.’ Progress in Physical Geography 8(3), 1984: 315-335.
7. 'A Biogeographical Short Story: A Dot on a Map.' Journal of Biogeography 16(4), 1989: 301-303.
8. 'Harvard Forest.' Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 1(4 ), 1991: 99-101.
9. ‘Mu’ang and Pa: elite views of nature in a changing Thailand’, 142-154 In Manas Chitakasem and Andrew Turton (eds) Thai Constructions of Knowledge. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 1991.
10. ‘Angkor: Shifting the Hydraulic Paradigm’, 47-58 in J. Rigg (ed) The Gift of Water: Water Management, Cosmology and the State in South East Asia. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 1992.
11. [With Elizabeth H. Moore & Suriyavudh Sukhasvasti] Ancient Capitals of Thailand. Bangkok: River Books, 1996.
12. [With Peter D. Moore and Bill Chaloner] Global Environmental Change. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1996.
13. ‘Combustion in tropical biomass fires: a critical review.’ Progress in Physical Geography 24(3), 2000: 355-377.
14. [With Sian Sullivan (eds)] Political Ecology: Science, Myth and Power. London: Arnold, 2000.
15. 'Jungles of the mind: the invention of the "tropical rain forest".' History Today, 51(5), 2001: 38-44.
16. [With Santanee Phasuk, & Foreword by H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn]. Royal Siamese Maps: War and Trade in Nineteenth-Century Thailand. Bangkok: River Books, 2004.
17. [With Toby Murcott] 'Scepticism and science.' The Skeptic, Winter, 2012: 16–18.
18. 'Did Jane Austen meet William Wilberforce?' Austentations 14, Spring 2014: 3-6.
19. ‘Physical geographies: past, present, and future.’ Progress in Physical Geography 40(1), 2016: 3-6.
20. ‘Art, Atmosphere, and the Spirit of Place. John Singer Sargent at Ightham Mote.’ ABC (Arts|Buildings|Collections Bulletin) Spring 2017: 3-5. Swindon: National Trust.